This will be a new column we are starting from Vicky. Let us know if you enjoy and want more of these.
Merry Christmas to ALL
First, on Sunday I got a few questions about the SynchroDestiny
telebridge book study on Tuesday nights. The group is ongoing, but we have
suspended meeting until the first Tuesday in January, which is January 7 at
8:00pm Eastern Time.
Also, along this same line, the Saturday Morning telebridge
Discussion Group will also continue in 2014, and our next meeting is now
Saturday, January 4 at 11:00 am Eastern Time.
To join either of these calls the number is the same: Dial 1 712
432 3100, then access code 809778.
Deepak Chopra calls Synchronicity "the Infinite Organizing
Principle of the Universe." I mean he is talking about organization of
Omnipotent Intelligence and down to subatomic detail. According to Deepak,
learning the dance of synchronicity in Life opens literally limitless potential
to orchestrate being a part of ongoing miraculous developments as a daily
occurrence. My personal practice of this has born it out to be true, which is
why I am on fire to share it with as many people as possible.
With "Principle" being a key component of Deepak's
definition of synchronicity, it is no surprise that the practice of consciously
working with synchronicities to cultivate miraculous demonstrations encompasses
Science of Mind to a "T." In praying about this writing this morning,
it came to me to research specifically what Ernest had to say about
synchronicity in the SOM textbook. The word is used only one place in the
text, in his sample treatment for Obstetrics. Personally, this alone was
synchronistic for me, since I have a deep belief that one key to balance and
harmony experienced in all things can be founded in how they come into
creation. Ernest says that Creation is an infinitely synchronized process that
is to be trusted. What we first tend to notice as little coincidences are
Spirit's invitation to us to dance.
So, how does storytelling figure into this? On Sunday, Rev.
Carolyn led us into a delightful spontaneous opportunity to share personal
Christmas stories. It was so rich to hear favorite memories, painted by those
who had lived them like they were yesterday. Storytelling weaves our memories
into rich texts for knowing and sharing who we are with the world. In this same
way, storytelling about synchronicities weaves the pieces together and gives them
energy through speaking the words with the emotions moments of perfect timing
inspire. This combination of Attention with Intention is the Universal Recipe
for Divine Demonstrations.
May simple joys throughout your Holidays make believing in what
is Possible for You easier than ever!
Overflowing Blessings!
Overflowing Blessings!