Friday, October 4, 2013

Our visioning meeting on Saturday was really great.  Dinah Smiley does a great job of pulling together information from a business/marketing point of view. Then we had great sharing in our visioning process.  My grateful thanks to all who attended and to those who couldn't be here personally, but supported us with positive energy and prayers.  We have a new volunteer to help us with getting our word out on the social media sites (this is the way marketing is done nowadays and an area that many of us just don't know how to use).  So we are very excited!

We love, love, love all of our volunteers.  They are how we grow and express as the vibrant community we are.

I am looking forward to our Member Sunday.  I fall into thinking that everyone knows what I know and that is simply not true.  So, on Sunday, I will share everything I know... OK, maybe not everything, but lots of stuff about our Center, what we offer and what we believe.  Hope to see us scramble to add more chairs to accommodate the crowd.  Trust me, it will be fun!

It seemed a natural thing to follow our discussions on "What We Talk About When We Talk About God" with "What does God Want."   These two books came across my desk at the same time.  In the second, Neale Donald Walsh tells us that God doesn't want anything.  Want indicates need and the Infinite, which is the All in All, has no needs.

Desires are different.  They are based on preferences, but not need and Neale lists three that he thinks the Infinite does have: 
1.  To know and experience Itself, in all Its glory.  Science of Mind and many other traditions teach " In the beginning, God...".  God contemplated, and out of this contemplation all that we see came about  for the Infinite to express Itself in a huge variety of ways.  Since there was only God substance in the beginning all we see, feel, comprehend, know, explore, etc., is God Substance.   Our existence allows the Infinite to experience the finite. 
2.  That we shall know and experience Who We Really Are, through the Power to create and experience ourselves in any way we choose.   This is what in another book God is quoting as saying, "Life - isn't it delicious?"  It certainly offers a huge variety of experiences.
3.  For the whole life process to be an experience of constant joy, continuous creation and never-ending expression and total fulfillment in each moment of now.  For this is the natural state the Infinite exists in. 

As we discussed last week, God is for us and we have been created to be choosers/creators.  Out of every moment we stand in the ability to choose.  We can be and respond as we did yesterday, or we can choose again.

For many of us this teaching is a new choice, a letting-go of past thinking and training and a stepping-into a place of blessing, creativity and joy.


Shalom - Peace, wholeness and well-being, for you and yours.    
Much love,

Rev.  Carolyn

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